
Information acc. to § 5 TMG


Classic Tetromino-Games Germany e. V. - Marc Maier
c/o Postflex # 7090
Emsdettener Str. 10
48268 Greven

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 30 09 22, 53189 Bonn
Phone: +49 (0)1512 6195756

Joint representation:
1. Chairman: Marc Maier
Classic Tetromino-Games Germany e. V. - Marc Maier
c/o Postflex # 7090
Emsdettener Str. 10
48268 Greven
Phone: +49 (0)1512 6195756

2. Chairman: Jacob Henric Pfeffer
Classic Tetromino-Games Germany e. V. - Jacob Henric Pfeffer
c/o Postflex # 7090
Emsdettener Str. 10
48268 Greven
Phone: +49 (0)162 5101057

The imprint applies to:

Registry court: Amtsgericht Bonn
Register number: VR 11961

Responsible for content according to § 18 subsection 2 of the Interstate Media Treaty (MStV):
Marc Maier
Classic Tetromino-Games Germany e. V. - Marc Maier
c/o Postflex # 7090
Emsdettener Str. 10
48268 Greven
Phone: +49 (0)1512 6195756

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