Data protection

Privacy statement for Google Fonts

Our website uses fonts provided by Google Fonts. However, these are integrated locally so that no personal data is collected, stored or sent to Google when the website is accessed.

Further information about Google Fonts can be found on Google Font's official website.

Privacy statement for Font Awesome

Our website uses so-called web icons provided by Fonticons, Inc. for the standardised display of icons. However, these are integrated locally so that no personal data is collected, stored or sent to Fonticons, Inc. when the website is accessed.

Further information about Font Awesome can be found on Font Awesome's official website.

Privacy statement for Bootstrap

Our website uses the CSS framework Bootstrap v5.3.0-alpha1, which was developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton and originally provided by Twitter. Bootstrap enables us to design a responsive and user-friendly website. However, the framework is integrated locally so that no personal data is collected, stored or sent to Bootstrap when our website is accessed.

Further information about Bootstrap can be found on Bootstrap's official website.

Privacy statement for Cookies

Our website does not use any cookies.

Privacy statement for Google Analytics

Our website does not use any Google Analytics function.

Privacy statement for Google Adsense

Our website does not use any Google +1 functions.

Privacy statement for Facebook

Our website does not use any Facebook functions.

Privacy statement for Twitter

Our website does not use any Twitter functions.